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23 Janvier 2024

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Prénom : Kanyememe
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Date de naissance : Non renseigné
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Kanye Meme Boxers

After a summer of celebrity feuds and erratic behavior, Kanye West is back in the spotlight with his latest album. After months of name changes, rap beefs, and a cryptic teaser trailer, TLOP was finally released last Thursday.

Despite the music being a bit underwhelming, the album cover is what really caught people's attention. It features bright green text and a generic landscape background that makes it easy to make into a meme.

During his performance at the BET Awards to pay tribute to Diddy, Kanye West was wearing a full-face mask. Fans quickly made up memes about the rapper's breathing sounds reminiscent of Darth Vader.

Kanye Meme Socks

It's not uncommon for celebrities to be trolled on social media for their style choices. But Kanye West's latest outfit might be the craziest one yet.

The Yeezy founder debuted his new merch line at Coachella on Easter Sunday, which included a pair of "Jesus Walks" socks that cost $50. Despite the price tag, many fans lined up to purchase the merch.

West's latest creation also includes a pair of oversized slides. His company recently filed a trademark application for the footwear with the US Patent and Trademark Office under the name YZY SOCK SHOES. The shoes look similar to zori and geta, traditional Japanese sandals that are worn with socks.

While it's unclear if the YZY SOCK SHOES will be sold, they're sure to become a hit with streetwear bros. Whether the footwear is real or not, it's clear that Kanye West's merch is a play on hypebeast economics.


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